In the first months of life, the baby is subject to important changes. The first teeth begin to come out and he has his first colds, with the discomfort that this entails and the concern that it generates in the parents. Indications: The KIN BABY Nasal Aspirator is an effective, painless and hygienic way to remove excess mucus from babies. Use in cases of colds, sinusitis and other pathologies that occur with excessive nasal discharge. Instructions for Use: Use as many times as necessary: 1 . Place the baby on his back on a comfortable and safe surface. 2. Attach the disposable applicator to the center of the aspirator. 3. Place the applicator tip in the nostril and gently suck through the nozzle. The absorbent filter of the applicator retains the baby's secretions and prevents them from reaching the suction tube and the absorption nozzle, thus avoiding any possibility of ingestion. 4. Repeat the action in the other nostril. 5. Remove the applicator with the aspirated mucus and throw it away. A previous nasal wash with physiological serum can be done to increase the fluidity of the mucus.