Coco Aminos, is a delicious sauce made from the fermentation of sap from the coconut flower.
It is dark, rich, salty and slightly sweet in taste. It resembles a light soy sauce or tamari (soy sauce without wheat), but is soy and gluten free, making it the perfect substitute for those who avoid soy and gluten.
To make coconut amino acids, the sap is collected from coconut flowers, then mixed with sea salt and allowed to age and ferment for a long time. Also, coconut amino acids have about 65% less sodium than regular soy sauce. And just to make it even better:
Coconut aminos has a host of health benefits!
Coming from Indonesia from small farmers and gatherers, it is especially unique, unlike other Coco aminos, this one is not so salty, it is a true delacatessen of its kind, incomparable in taste.
Source of Calcium and Potassium and high content of Chloride.